As a website promoter and social media marketer, I have seen a lot of techniques for website promotion come and go as well as social media marketing trends. I have also experienced how the promotion of website and marketing on social media have enhanced the quantity of traffic to a website as well as increased the how much profit businesses that engage in such are able to make. I have also seen many businesses that were thriving crumble, because they couldn’t keep up with the pace of technology. From my experience, here are some of the most effective ways to carry out website promotion.
The use of social media has become very useful for website promotion. A very vital rule in marketing and promotion is taking information to where the people are, so that they can be informed about what you have on offer. Currently, the only other place that you will find more people at a spot than you will find on social media is perhaps, on the Internet. This is putting into consideration, the fact that there might be a few people who use Internet for other reasons, but are not interested in social media in the remotest sense of it. Apart from these individuals therefore, everybody else that has access to the Internet are on one social media or the other especially the most prominent ones. You can therefore easily reach a huge population with information about your products and services on social media. This is coupled with the fact that to use the social media is free and if you want to opt for the option of paid advert, you can get that at a very cheap price.
Another great means for marketing your website is through the use of paid adverts. Compared to other methods of paid adverts such as sharing of handbills, radio, television, magazine and newspaper adverts, advertising on the Internet is the cheapest. This is in line with the number of people you will be able to reach and the impact. You can for as little as $3 promote posts on social media like Facebook to reach over 1,500 people.You can also pay for cheap adverts on Google, Youtube and many other websites to promote your website.
Having a blog is also a great way to promote your websites. With the aid of blogs, you can post information about your products and services. If the blog posts are properly optimized for search engine, a search by an individual that is in line with your product or service could bring up such posts as one of the results. The post could subsequently lead the individual to your website and he could consequently make a purchase. For blog posts to work for you however, you need to ensure that it is engaging, interesting and convincing. You should be able to produce quality post or hire a good writer to help you with good posts that talks about your business. The rest of the convincing should be done on your website, where the user should be able to get information about what he or she would gain by patronizing you.

As a website promoter and social media marketer, I have seen a lot of techniques for website promotion come and go as well as social media marketing trends.